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Navigating the 21st Century waters in a 20th Century vessel.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Well, Huh

The closer I get to moving out, the more Brett and I seem comfortable with each other. Not all the time - we're still capable of really aggravating each other. But I know from my perspective at least, a lot of it just doesn't seem to matter as much. And that makes it easier to relax around each other. I think that speaks well for us staying close, no matter what happens in the months to come.

I've always been afraid of not having Brett in my life. But now that I've decided on moving out, that fear seems to be fading. Part of it is that the Rubicon is crossed, the die is cast (something jactum est - the Latin is fading away...), and it just wasn't that bad. But the pther part, I think, is that it looks like we're going to be able to still be friends, maybe more so than we have in a long time. Assuming, you know, it doesn't all blow up suddenly. Which probably will always remain a possibility.

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