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Navigating the 21st Century waters in a 20th Century vessel.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I voted today for president, for the fifth time in my life. 

I feel no allegiance to either major political party. Nor do I fit the labels of "liberal" or "conservative". I believe that we need more nuclear power, that the government should stay out of people's bedrooms, churches, and doctor's offices, that a modest national debt is a good thing, that we need a strong defense, that we need to protect species like polar bears and bald eagles and mountain gorillas but I couldn't care less about amphibians. I believe in hiways and free trade and embryonic stem cell research and progressive tax rates and giving people to save more and consume less.

In 2000 I was prepared to vote for John McCain, but he dropped out of the race before my state's primary.

In 2004 I heard Barak Obama speak, and thought "Holy crap, that man's going to be president someday."

Political campaigns are nasty, dirty, brutish events which leave all aspirants sullied. This has always been the case, going back at least to the ancient Athenians and probably long before them. It is unpleasant, but inevitable, and I accept this. What I Can. Not. Accept. is members of one campaign referring to citizens of this country as un-American, just because they have differing views on some issues. That they don't live in "real America". That they are anti-America. That is an attack on patriotic citizens, an attack on me, and an attack on the principles of democracy. It is an act worthy of Joe McCarthy, or the instigators of the salem witch trials. And it has cost their candidate my vote.

He may not have crossed over the line himself, but if he cannot govern his own campaign, how can he govern this nation?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe in 4 years, you and I should join up and form our own ticket. Every thought you posted, I agree with 100 percent.

Of course, we might have a bit of a hard time with the incumbent in 2012, but we should at least do better than the other party's ticket. ;)