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Navigating the 21st Century waters in a 20th Century vessel.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Took Buffy to the vet this morning. He took out her stitches, and said that her range of motion in the borked leg looks good. However, gotta keep the locked in a crate except when on a leash treatment going another couple weeks. She's not gonna like that...

Also, several crates of fruit bars are being airlifted in tonight from the grocery store down the street, narrowly avoiding a popsicle catastrophe of epic proportions.


Tami Parker said...

Whew. Glad to hear you've got the popsicle thing under control. I know how volatile those situations can be!

Also glad to hear the puggerpup is gonna be okay.

Bell said...

I'll take the pug. Gimme.