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Navigating the 21st Century waters in a 20th Century vessel.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

5 Things I Have Never Done

...and really hope I never do.

1) Follow the "Shake well before opening" instructions on a can of Slim-Fast, forgetting that I'm actually holding a can of Diet Coke.

2) Drop my cell phone in the toilet.

3) Use two cups of salt instead of two cups of sugar when baking a pie.

4) Call my wife my ex's name.

5) Convince myself I can manage to carry a really big really expensive tv up the stairs without help.


Kayeri said...

I'll agree strongly on #2 and #5 on my husband's behalf, although he did not drop the cell phone in the toilet, he just put it through the washing machine.

As for #5, well, 8 or so years after moving our friend's very large, very heavy television, he still gets back pain and twinges, sometimes severe, so he'd totally agree you need to remember that. Thank goodness the new flat panels are so much lighter.

Anonymous said...

I have done precisely two of those things.

No, I'm not telling you which ones. ;-)