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Navigating the 21st Century waters in a 20th Century vessel.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

So Much For That Friendship

About 2 years ago, BBB announced on his blog that he was quitting his raiding guild and opening up Sidhe Devils as a social guild. I was one of the first to join, first with a little level 1 gnome warrior, and soon after I created Palintera, one of my favorite characters. I made new friends in that guild, including Bellwether, who has been a close and valued friend, who has been incredibly supportive through the ups and downs my life has gone through. SD was not my primary guild - it was always a lower priority than my weekly sessions with my RL friends and my raiding with Aetherial Circle. But it was always a comfortable place to escape to a few times a month. It was something I valued, and my level of involvement seemed to be fine with everyone.

Last summer I decided to consolidate all of my Alliance toons on one server. Because I felt I no longer fit well in AC, but SD was still a pleasant place, it made sense to move them all to that server. So in came Kinnavieve and Ratdorf, Phoenicia and Vyp. Based on my recommendation, several of my blogging friends looking for a more casual guild chose to transfer there. And, to my surprise, Julie decided to leave AC and move her characters as well. It was a good time. I got to do heroics, Julie and I could play together as a way to bridge the distance between us, and the guild was a happy place.

Last October life took a horrifying turn, when Julie was diagnosed with cancer. My involvement with the guild, and everyone else, dropped off. I stopped writing Need More Rage. All that mattered was focusing on supporting Julie as much as I could.

About this time I was vaguely aware of issues cropping up in Sidhe Devils, but I wasn't paying close attention. The guild had started raiding on Thursday and Friday nights, neither of which I could make, and apparently there were some tensions between the more focussed (compared to AC I would hardly call them hard-core) raiders, and some more casual guild members. Then, suddenly, Bear announced he and Cassie were quitting the guild, effective immediately. But they didn't leave; instead, people started getting kicked out of the guild. Bear had always struck me as a little heavy-handed with insisting on certain rules, such as logging in regularly to avoid being removed, but this was new. Long-time guild members were being kicked with alarming frequency. There were a few posts on the guild forums about issues being talked out between the GMs and the officers, and all was cool now, only to have the gquits and gkicks flare up again. Some of the former guildies started a new guild called Parallel, and apparently it would focus on casual raiding, while SD was going to be a non-raiding guild. However, it quickly became clear that moving one toon to Parallel mean that all your alts would be immediately kicked, and your guild forum access removed. Morale within Sidhe Devils plummeted, and the exodus accelerated. Stop took his main out to join a raiding guild on another server, and within an hour all his alts were kicked. It became very clear to we who remained that we were to be Bear and Cassie's friends and no one else's or we were out, as if we had never existed.

Like I said, I was busy dealing with Real Life during this, and I pretty much kept my head down. I thought it sucked, but I wanted to be loyal to the guild that had been my home, and I hoped once things settled down that there could be a recovery. But there never was. In the end, there were only a handful of people left. Even Bear, who hadn't been around much for months, bailed, converting his main toon to a Tauren and finding new opportunities to raid on the Horde side. So Julie and I talked about it, and decided that being members of a social guild with no one left to talk to was just too depressing. Rather than sneak off into the night, we posted our intentions to leave on the forums. Since the guild was clearly dead, and abandoned by its leaders, we didn't expect much of a response. Silly us.

Bear replied with one of his enormous walls of text, mostly complaining about how much he and Cassie had put into the guild, how hard they had worked, and how unappreciative everyone was. How terrible it was that everyone had walked away from them. But he also found time to tell me what a crappy guild member I had been, how I didn't say enough in gchat or participate in enough activities. Apparently there was a secret quota he hadn't bother to tell anyone about, and I was lacking. When Julie responded that he was being unreasonable, he ran off to his blog and posted a couple of rambling, vague, whiny posts about how mean everyone had been to them. Nowhere did he mention that he had been absent for months while pugging heroics with random strangers, or that people who had tried to fill the leadership void had been squashed because they didn't follow his vision of how a social guild ought to be.

You know what, Bear? Fuck you. If you can't accept that you were the one in charge, the one who made mistakes, the one who tried to have his cake and eat it too, then you need to grow up. Attacking the people who stuck around the longest, who stayed with you while you were busy kicking out our friends for merely trying to enjoy the game, for "sucking the life" from your guild is bullshit. I valued our friendship, but you've gone too far. Way, way too far. Life is too short to waste with people who think that friendship means they can control what you do and who with. Most of us outgrew that sort of thing in high school. Why didn't you?


Anonymous said...

I found myself rather surprised when I quit to deal with life, and play things I could fit into said Mi Vida Loco that not only was I kicked along with all my alts, so was Ken. He's not even HERE for pete's quitting doesn't = him quitting necessarily, he's just busy , you know...getting shot at and trying to avoid getting blown the hell up. I figured I'd retire a Devil, and, if that quitting didn't last long...I'd come back a Devil. Guess not so much.

I guess that makes me a bad guildie too, withdrawing to myself when things got overwhelming, trying to focus on getting through this deployment, yet still enjoy video games in general. Missing guild events in favor of meetings I'm required to attend, or because they were scheduled during family dinner time. Shame, shame on us.


Lady Jess said...

That anony-mouse was me >.<

Angela said...

The thing I find most difficult to understand (to this very day) is the impermanence of most in game relationships. I feel like I am really close friends with the people I get along with that I have met through WoW. We tell each other everything (or most everything), we talk to each other much more than I talk to most of my real life friends...

However, when you need to disappear, or vanish, the world seems to keep moving on without you. So much so that, when you come back, nothing is the same anymore and you wonder whether you were even missed.

I'm taking a wild stab in the dark here, but I'd bet my bottom dollar that the people concerned were also going through a rough time or something in their lives. It doesn't excuse being as asshat, but it might excuse some strange behaviour. At the end of the day, something about it all doesn't quite add up. But, I am sorry to hear how all that mess turned out (guild drama and mess sucks!)

TJ said...

I was part of that guild way back when it started under what I assume were its original intentions - a friendly guild. I guess it didn't stay that way.

Phil tried to join and his application (I rolled my eyes at him for even filling it out, guild apps are ridiculous in my mind) went ignored for months.

Then Dammerung and Wulfa are kicked out while he was away at Army training because of how "hurtful" it was that Wulfa didn't log in that much - while she raised their toddler on her own AND HAD ANOTHER BABY while Damm was away?

You're right in that it's a sign of huge immaturity to take the opportunity to have a little power and run with it to be so controlling.

I stopped reading his blog a long time ago - I found him to be kind of a windbag with nothing of substance to say or back up his opinions, but the willingness to yell down anyone who disagreed or dared slight him in any way.

It's a shame to hear, once again, that it extends to his friendships. To demand complete and unwavering loyalty - in a GAME, no less - is so self-absorbed and narcissistic that it borders on megalomania. I expect it's turning out to be pretty isolating, as well.

Sorry you had to go through it. There are plenty of guilds out there that will have you, no matter if you reach the gchat quota or not.

Nibuca said...

I'm sorry to hear about the problems. Stop came to my guild and has been tanking for us. He never mentioned any problems that occurred for him as a result of that.

You and Julie have an open invitation to join us on Khaz Modan. We have a raiding guild (Caffeine M, T, Th, Sun 7:30p-10:30p PDT) and a (not terribly active) Social guild(West Kingdom).

Good Luck.

Steve, aka Kestrel said...

Wow. I wondered what the "other side" of the story was. Now I know. Almost moved a couple alts to SD at one time. Glad I didn't waste the $$.

Stop said...

As Nib said, I didn't really have any problems that I knew of at the time. I came to SD because I was looking for a social guild; the fact that it had an actual application was a bit offputting, but I shrugged it off.

And so I got to sit through the toxic atmosphere of watching Bear kick friend after friend after friend out of the guild, going on rants about how they "owed" him.

Found out later, after all MY alts were kicked for having the AUDACITY to take my main to Caffeine, that I apparently also "fuckin' owed them" (presumably him and Cassie?).

Frankly, he's gone off the deep end. A lot of the problems in SD were due to this delusion that things were just UTTERLY TERRIBLE for people who didn't want to go to our once-weekly hella-casual raid, and that we absolutely HAD to have him at all events, and apparently nothing's changed.

Owe him?

Fuck you, BBB.

Dammerung said...

Sadface. Sorry to hear this happened to others as well. I had only really known my side of the story.

Are you and Julie still on Kael'thas? Myself and Wulfa have found a very nice home in Parallel and one that has lasted longer despite our frequent RL absences etc.

Awlbiste said...

Ratshag, all that I know about you (while Internet-limited) points to the fact that you are an incredibly decent and overall stand-up guy.

I used to be quite a BBB fan and quite some time ago I had thought of joining (I guess applying-ha!) to SD after I took a long hiatus from WoW and wanted to return. My decision was made for me though when I posted what I thought was a fairly innocuous comment asking him to look at the other side of something or other. I got an incredibly rude response basically telling me I could shove it.

The whole situation is ridiculous. I consider my closer Internet-based friendships to be just as good as face-to-face friendships and I know I would be really hurt (and angry) if someone acted like BBB did.

Dammerung said...

(EEEP I'm a horrible horrible guildie)

I didn't every connect kinni to you ratters.


Beowulfa said...

I didn't realize other people were getting booted out as well. I'm so sorry you guys had to go through that. The Sidhe Devils was a really good thing way back when and it saddens me that it was broken so badly.

Bell said...

My regret is not logging in on Feral to experience this first hand, so I actually had something personal to back up my indignation.

As it is, I'm here for you and everyone else.

Ruune said...

Sorry to hear about the way that this caught you in the face Ratters. Hopefully you find a bit of peace, friendship and fun at Parallel.
