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Navigating the 21st Century waters in a 20th Century vessel.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Anything That Can Go Wrong...

Posted by Bulldog LafitteWe are abandoning the frigid north for the warm south. Battlewagons do much better when the water doesn't freeze up, after all. Simultaneous buying and selling of houses has proven to be a real challenge, in spite of best efforts to plan everything out ahead of time. Examples include the buyers from hell (whom we eventually fired), the 401k Loan of Chaos ("I said I wanted you to FedEx the check to me!""No you didn't.""Yes I did!""Oh. Right. You did.") and the $7000 accounting error (not in our favor). To top it all of this week we had a biblical Plague of Flies in the house.

Six days to go. I don't want to think of what else can hapen.

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