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Navigating the 21st Century waters in a 20th Century vessel.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Flip Side

Okay, so a few days ago I muttered about how I felt my raidiing guild was becoming more hardcore than I would like. At the same time, I am finding myself feeling more casual. I'm having a real time management problem, and I want to cut back on Warcraft in a way that doesn't leave me feeling ... deprived, for lack of a better word.

Currently, AC raids Sunday, Monday, and Wednesday. My RL friends night is Thursday. Friday night I pick Taylor up from her acting class, and typically she's with me until 8 or so Saturday. (Although if she has social plans or something I sometimes take her home earlier - which is fine, but typically I don't know more than a day or so in advance.) Which leaves one night a week without anything regularly scheduled. And that's just not enough, I'm finding. Particularly since now that I'm on my own, I'm responsible for dinner and cleaning up every night, and the dog needs walking several times a day, twice in the evening.

So what to do? Time with Taylor isn't compromisable. Last week I cut back on raiding by not signing up Wednesday night, and I plan to continue with that. I'd rather not drop the RL friends night. I'd kinda like to cut back to raiding one night a week, but I'd have to check with the GMs about that - policy is you're supposed to be available two nights a week. 

If something is important, you take the steps to make it happen. Even if they aren't easy. I want to have a life that includes social time with other people, in the real world as well as the virtual. So, I got to make that happen. Which figuring out where to cut back.

1 comment:

Bell said...


I mean.

Good for you!